2007 – Albert J. Krieger

Albert Krieger photo

Albert J. Krieger
2007 Selig Goldin Honoree

Among the lessons he has learned, and so generously passed on: that no matter how impressive a verdict may be, the result in a particular trial is not as important as how it is reached, for process matters if we are to secure a public that enjoys the glory of our system of justice; that in less than 50 words, the Ninth and Tenth Amendments remind us that the people possess the rights of humankind; that we are never too old to be overwhelmed by man’s ignorance, or reinvigorated by the social consciousness of the criminal defense lawyer.

For “as a citizen, I will accept the pronouncement of our highest court, regardless of whether I agree or disagree,” he penned. But “as a lawyer, if that rule fails to establish what is right, I am equally bound to struggle for its change. It is here that liberty’s definition thrives.”

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