13 April, 2022 @ 12:15 pm - 1:50 pm
| $75(5759) Practical Concerns—April 13, 2022, 12:15 PM – 1:50 PM, Live GoToWebinar. Part 2 of a two-part series on electronic information in criminal proceedings. CLE Credits: 2 General; 1 Technology. Certification credits: 2 Juvenile Law, 2 Appellate Practice, 2 Criminal Appellate, 2 Criminal Trial. Live GoToWebinar presented by Ronald J. Hedges, Senior Counsel, Dentons US, LLP, New York, New York; and Hon. Milton Hirsch, Miami-Dade Circuit Judge, Miami. Moderated by H. Scott Fingerhut. Registrants have 90-day, on-demand access. REGISTER
*Register for Part 1 and Part 2 of the Electronic Information in Criminal Proceedings Series by March 9 to receive $15 off the total registration fee.*
In Part 2 of this series, our presenters will cover electronic information issues involving discovery, cooperation between prosecution and defense in production and review, evidentiary preservation and spoliation, and the pros and cons of admissibility, including the weight to be given by the trier of fact.
Background on the series: Electronic information of ever-expanding varieties and volumes is, without question, a common feature of criminal investigations and proceedings today. More and more, electronic information is used in the commission of crimes and thus has become the focus of law enforcement investigations, prosecutions, and defense.
As a result, the collection and search of electronic information may implicate the Warrant Requirement of the Fourth Amendment, the Fifth Amendment privilege against self-incrimination, the Sixth Amendment right of confrontation, and their Florida counterparts. In addition, electronic information may raise evidentiary issues of preservation and spoliation, as well as discovery obligations, “cooperation” between prosecution and defense, and, ultimately, admissibility.
In this two-part program, expert lawyers and veteran presenters, Ronald Hedges, former United States Magistrate Judge and now Senior Counsel with Dentons US LLP, and Miami-Dade Circuit Judge Milton Hirsch, will explore timely topics about electronic information and suggest strategies that might be useful to both prosecutors and defense counsel.
Each presentation complements the other. For the busy practitioner who may wish to focus on particular topics, each session can stand alone.
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