Criminal Law Section Sponsorship:  Your Connection to 2,200+ Criminal Law Attorneys, Prosecutors, Defenders, Judiciary, and More

Become a supporter of The Florida Bar Criminal Law Section. Contributions to the Criminal Law Section will help support scholarships to provide Section memberships for government lawyers, young lawyers, and attorneys who otherwise could not afford it. The Section offers a variety of event and continuing legal education program sponsorships, and a special category for case law update emails (Section-wide emails disseminated every month to 2,200+ Criminal Law Section members announcing the posting of new case law updates to the website.)

Sponsorship will help promote your firm or company statewide to criminal law attorneys, prosecutors, defenders, members of the judiciary, and more. If you are interested, or for more information, please email CLS Sponsorship Committee Chair H. Scott Fingerhut at

Event sponsorships include the annual Selig Goldin Luncheon, the Annual Convention Member Reception & Awards Ceremony, and Executive Council Meetings. CLE sponsorships offer different deliverables for in-person and virtual events, as well as sponsorship “add-ons” like breaks and charging stations. Each sponsor will receive recognition on the Section’s Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram platforms—an extra incentive for support of the Section through sponsorship.

The CLS is for all who are interested in criminal law issues and believe in a fair, just, and efficient criminal justice system for Florida. With over 2,200 members including judges, prosecutors, public and private criminal defense lawyers, law professors, and law students, this diverse membership gives us a credible, meaningful voice on Florida criminal justice issues.