24 June, 2022 @ 12:30 pm - 2:00 pm
Friday, June 24, 12:30–2:00 PM Selig I. Goldin Award Luncheon. We will be honoring Professor Jennifer Zedalis of the University of Florida Levin College of Law with the 2022 Selig I. Goldin Memorial Award. Registration for the luncheon is through the Annual Florida Bar Convention, and seating is limited. The luncheon will be held in the Floridian Ballroom Salon F, which is on the lobby level. Registration for the luncheon is required.
Jennifer M. Zedalis is the Director of Trial Practice at the University of Florida Levin College of Law, and an Assistant Director of the Criminal Justice Center. She is the Co-Chair of the Gerald T. Bennett Public Defender/Prosecutor Trial Program and has served on the PPD faculty for 24 years. She teaches trial practice, pretrial practice, and intro to lawyering, and has also taught mental health litigation and the criminal defense clinic. She is the faculty advisor for the trial team. She serves as Chair of the Peter T. Fay Jurist in Residence Program. She has practiced criminal defense for thirty years and continues to do pro bono trial work as time permits. She was formerly an assistant public defender in the Fifth and Eighth Judicial Circuits and ran a solo law practice from 1998 to 2003. She has handled all types of criminal cases, including capital cases, appeals, and post-conviction proceedings in addition to trials. She has lectured in the United Kingdom, Poland, and Costa Rica in the areas of American trial procedure, evidence, and criminal practice. She has been called as an expert in Florida criminal law in the Canadian Court of Immigration, and her article on “Justice Worthy Closing Arguments” has been published by the ABA Trial Evidence Committe
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